Ministry & Event Request


Building Use Expectations

  1. BUILDING ACCESS is limited to the requested—and approved—timeframe(s).

  2. TRASH (garbage and recycling) needs to be taken out to the dumpsters (in the main parking lot) and trashcan liners need to be replaced after every event occurrence.

  3. MESSES (food, boxes, used resources, etc.) should be promptly cleaned up. It is not the responsibility of the janitorial crew to clean up event-specific messes.

  4. CHURCH RESOURCES (coffee supplies, tables, chairs, Bibles, pens, etc.) must be returned to their original location after every event occurrence.

  5. THE SUNDAY GATHERING has priority over any group, ministry, or event. All Sunday Gathering spaces, resources, etc. must be treated accordingly and be ready for Sunday mornings.


At the end of the day, please be considerate of the other groups, ministries, and events using these spaces. This is our building to use and to steward well. Thank you.